150th Anniversary Garden Party a Great Success!
August 5, 2015

Special 150th Event!
Ross Bay Garden Party 2015 tents

Ross Bay Villa’s

Grand 150th Garden Party

was held on
Sunday Afternoon
July 19th 1 – 5pm

Under splendid blue skies, hundreds of visitors were welcomed to the Villa and its gardens.

Teas were served under tents and the historic apple trees, which were decorated with airy Chinese lanterns. Guests were entertained with delightful music, as they ate tea, inspected displays or chose choice plants for their gardens.

Tours were conducted through the house by knowledgeable volunteer guides, and special displays inside the house of historic costumes and the Dining Room set for an 1860’s dinner were shown to our guests.

A special exhibit of a Penny-farthing bicycle – like the one used at the Villa in 1889 – was on display. Victorian ring toss and bean-bag games were offered, and guests visited booths from the Old Cemeteries Society; the Victoria Heritage Foundation; and The Victoria Historical Society.

Visitors also enjoyed our vegetable garden, planted with heritage plants matching a Victoria garden catalogue from 1878. Live chickens were also present for visitors to enjoy as they lined up for their tours.

Cutting the 150th Cake - Councillors Pam Madoff, Charlayne Thorton-Joe; and Geoff Young and Simone Vogel-HorridgeAt 2:30 pm, City Councillors Pam Madoff; Charlayne Thorton-Joe (at back; not visible in photo); and Geoff Young assisted Ross Bay Villa Society president Simone Vogel-Horridge (at left) in cutting a special cake in honour of the 150 years since Ross Bay Villa was built in 1865.

A very welcome announcement of a further $2,000 donation was made, kicking our fundraising efforts for the Ross Bay Villa Ownership Campaign over the necessary $130,000 to pay off the outstanding mortgage, and allow the Society to assume ownership from the Land Conservancy.

Fund raising for an Endowment Fund will continue, to ensure the financial future of the house and grounds.

Dining Room Ross Bay Villa Summer 2015

A Special Exhibit was on display during the Garden Party:
‘A Victorian Dining Room’: The dining table was laid for a formal dinner with an 1860’s dinner set of ‘Tea Leaf” china; glassware, silver, snowy linen and flowers. (This exhibit will continue through July and August, and is included with Tour Entry to the Villa)

Thank you! to all of our wonderful volunteers who had worked very hard to prepare the Villa for its guests, and to welcome them so successfully on our special Sesquicentennial day!

Thank you to Thrifty Foods for once again supplying the delicious scones for our teas.

Thank you to Russ Hay’s Bicycle Shop for the loan of the Penny-farthing bicycle.


Ross Bay Garden Party 2015


Ross Bay Garden Party 2015 Penny Farthing on display from Russ Hay's Bicycle ShopStuart Stark Leading tour Ross Bay Garden Party 2015







Dining Room Table closeup