Ross Bay Villa is Nominated as one of B.C.’s 100 Best Buildings in the Architecture Foundation’s of B.C.’s Best Buildings Contest.
September 2, 2014

Entrance Ross Bay VillaWhat an achievement!

Did you know that Ross Bay Villa has been nominated to be chosen as one of B.C.’s 100 Best Buildings?

Earlier this year, the Architecture Foundation of B.C. (AFBC) launched its “B.C.’s 100 Best Buildings” Contest as part of the celebrations to mark the 100th year of the Architectural Profession in B.C. The public was invited to nominate their favourite buildings from across the province, regardless of age, purpose or materials.

One of these nominations was Ross Bay Villa!  We thought you might like to know!


Dining Room Ross Bay VillaNominations closed on B.C. Day, and public voting to select the top 25 buildings from each region is now open.

Once public voting closes on September 28th, judges will select three finalists from each region, who will receive plaques.

1. Encourage your friends and colleagues to visit the contest voting site and vote for Ross Bay Villa. You will be asked to vote for your favourite building in each of four geographical areas of British Columbia. Please vote for Ross Bay Villa [No. 374 under “Islands Nominations”] (after the Vancouver and Interior categories).

2. Share the good news on your twitter and facebook pages

3. Like the AFBC  facebook page so your followers get contest updates automatically from the AFBC.

How to Vote:

When you go to the AFBC voting page, (visit the contest voting site) look for the image of Ross Bay Villa (shown below):
• Read the content for Ross Bay Villa.
• Return to the top of the page.
• Click on the “CLICK HERE” button, which opens up the voting page.
• Scroll down to the “Vancouver Island” section.
• Find “374: Ross Bay Villa”
• Click on the circle beside the “374” to vote for Ross Bay Villa

Thank you!

Ross Bay Villa AFBC voting site

4. Add the accolade to your email signature line, along with a link to vote such as:

“Ross Bay Villa is nominated as one of BC’s 100 Best Buildings in the Architecture Foundation’s of BC’s Best Buildings Contest”.

Vote for Ross Bay Villa

Thank you!