New Ross Bay Society Board Elected at Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting of the Ross Bay Villa Society was held at Ross Bay Villa on Saturday June 27, 2015 at 12:00 noon.
The following Directors were re-elected to the Board: Simone Vogel-Horridge; Davyd McMinn; Nick Russell; Mike Hewison; Colleen Wilson; Stuart Stark; and Clare Wilson. New members of the Board who were elected are: Gordon Switzer and Janet McMeekin.
The first meeting of the new Board is planned to be held at Ross Bay Villa at 7:30pm on Wednesday July 8, 2015, with Board positions to be chosen from within the Board at that time.
The business portion of the meeting included the Treasurer’s Report; Membership Report; an Update of Fund Raising for the Ross Bay Villa Ownership Campaign; and the President’s Report.
After the Business of the Society was concluded, attending members gathered in the garden and had a barbecue and social.