

Information and photographs used throughout this website has been provided by members of the Research Committee of the Ross Bay Villa Society, including Stuart Stark; Simone Vogel-Horridge; Nick Russell; Lisa Preston; Mike Hewison; Al Fry and others.
Several photographs – including some on our home page – are courtesy of Toad Hollow Photography: thank you!

Some information is from the book The Winter House: Ross Bay Villa 1865-1998, by Jennifer Nell Barr, Mary Doody Jones and Helen Edwards and its reprint: Ross Bay Villa: A Colonial Cottage 1865-1999. Published by the Hallmark Society, 1999. Thank you for this research.

Use of Images and Text from the Website:

Please Note: All the content – text and images – on this website are
© copyrighted either by the Ross Bay Villa Society, and/or the individual photographers.
Permission is required to copy these photographs.

We are pleased to provide images of Ross Bay Villa for newspapers, magazines, or other uses, but request that permission be requested from the Society first.

The Ross Bay Villa Society has a large archive of images relating to the restoration of Ross Bay Villa that could be useful for articles or stories. Please email with requests.

Questions about content please contact: Email:

Thank you.