
New Project – The Children’s Room

Victoria City Council awards grant to restore children’s bedroom If you have been to the Ross Bay Villa Historic House Museum, you will have observed that the restoration of children’s bedroom is incomplete.   That is about to change.  We are pleased to announce that Victoria City Council has approved our application for a Strategic […]

Ross Bay Volunteer wins Award!

Kathryn McAllister has won the “Emerging Storyteller Award” from the Storyteller’s Guild of Canada. Kathryn uses her storytelling talents when giving tours at Ross Bay Villa. In addition to giving tours, she – in partnership with Storyteller Jennifer Ferris  – has presented two delightful evenings at Ross Bay Villa, with readings and stories, making the life of […]

Ross Bay Villa wins Heritage BC Award!

  Davyd McMinn, Vice president of the Ross Bay Villa Society, on behalf of the Society, is shown accepting the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Heritage Conservation Presented to the Ross Bay Villa Society from  Heritage BC.  The award were presented at the 35th Anniversary Awards Gala evening, held on Thursday February 18, 2016 – […]

Announcing: The Ross Bay Villa Historic House Museum Endowment Fund:

The Board of the Ross Bay Villa Society has established an Endowment Fund with the Victoria Foundation with the intent of ensuring an on-going income for the preservation and long term maintenance of Ross Bay Villa. The Victoria Foundation was established in 1936. It allows other charities to build permanent, income-generating funds. The Victoria Foundation […]

Ross Bay Villa Society now owns Ross Bay Villa!!

Celebration!! Ross Bay Villa Society successfully purchases Ross Bay Villa! Here’s to another 150 years! The Board of the Ross Bay Villa Society raise a glass to the successful purchase of Ross Bay Villa, to ensure its long-term protection and continued restoration. The transfer of ownership from The Land Conservancy of BC was completed on […]

Remembering Roger Burgess (1947-2015)

One of our early volunteers at Ross Bay Villa passed away on October 19, 2015. Roger Burgess helped out in the very first years of the Restoration Committee. Among other tasks, he drew up plans for the footings of the posts in the new foundation; assisted with the on-site research to determine the original 1865 roof […]

Volunteer Fair a Big Success!

Volunteer Fair a big success! Colleen Wilson, Ross Bay Villa Volunteer and Board Member shows off a stereoscope at the Volunteer Fair held recently at the University of Victoria. The event, held on October 1, 2015, was a good opportunity for publicizing Ross Bay Villa (We were the only heritage organization represented). Several members of […]

150th Anniversary Garden Party a Great Success!

Special 150th Event! Ross Bay Villa’s Grand 150th Garden Party was held on Sunday Afternoon July 19th 1 – 5pm Under splendid blue skies, hundreds of visitors were welcomed to the Villa and its gardens. Teas were served under tents and the historic apple trees, which were decorated with airy Chinese lanterns. Guests were entertained […]