
Ross Bay Villa Society owns and operates the Ross Bay Villa Historic House Museum, which is conserved, restored and maintained by volunteers. The Society relies on the generous support of individuals who generously donate to the Society and those who volunteer to contribute their enthusiasm and expertise.  You will find volunteers at Ross Bay Villa every Saturday from 11:00 to 2:00.

Operating funds enable the on-going conservation and maintenance of the historic house, the artifacts and the garden.  The Ross Bay Villa Society covers the costs of all utilities, supplies and restoration materials.  Fundraising through tours, lectures, special events and revenue from our Gift Shop – all managed by volunteers – continue to produce operating income.

Here is how you can support the Ross Bay Villa Historic House Museum.

Become a Member:

You can join the Ross Bay Villa Society with an annual $10.00 membership fee per person for the calendar year.  Your membership will help support the conservation, restoration, maintenance and promotion of the house and grounds.  Annual memberships are renewable each January. Membership benefits include free guided tours of the Villa and 10% off items in the Ross Bay Villa Gift Shop. You can purchase a membership online at  Please note you cannot make a donation at this site.


Volunteers are always welcome. There are no paid employees at Ross Bay Villa; everyone is a volunteer. You can find volunteers at Ross Bay Villa every Saturday from 11:00 to 2:00 conducting tours, working in the garden, doing regular maintenance, or working on special restoration projects.  Please check under the home page heading ‘Volunteer’ for more information.


Donations and grants have kept Ross Bay Villa Historic House Museum operating since 2000 and have provided essential funds for significant restoration projects and special events as well as for ongoing operating expenses.  100% of all donations received go toward the ongoing conservation, preservation and maintenance of the Ross Bay Villa Historic House Museum and heritage garden.

There are a couple of ways to make a donation.

Canada Helps:  You can donate to the Ross Bay Villa Society by credit card, PayPal, or debit through Canada Helps.  Canada Helps will issue you a Canada Revenue Agency charitable tax receipt. Please note you cannot use Canada Helps for memberships. Canada Helps .

The Ross Bay Villa Endowment Fund:  In 2015 the Board of the Ross Bay Villa Society established an Endowment Fund with the Victoria Foundation. The purpose of this fund is to create recurring income for the preservation and long term maintenance of Ross Bay Villa.

The Victoria Foundation manages charitable gifts to create permanent incoming earning funds.  Thanks to generous donations, the Ross Bay Villa Society Endowment fund currently stands at more than $30,000.  You can contribute to the Ross Bay Villa Society Endowment by telephone to the Victoria Foundation at 250 381-5332 to make a donation by credit card.  You can also mail a cheque to The Victoria Foundation at #200 703 Broughton Street, Victoria BC V8W 1E2.

Please specify that your donation is for the Ross Bay Villa Society Endowment Fund.  The Victoria Foundation will issue you a Canada Revenue Agency charitable tax receipt.  For more information please see: www.victoriafoundation.bc.

Any questions? Please email Ross Bay Villa Society at


Thank you!

Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Registration No. 83284 3734 RR0001.

The Ross Bay Villa Society is a Member of the B.C. Museums Association.