June 27, 2015
The 2015 Annual General Meeting for the Ross Bay Villa Society will be held on Saturday June 27 at 12 noon at Ross Bay Villa Historic House Museum, 1490 Fairfield Road, Victoria, BC. Join us for a potluck lunch after the meeting. All members are invited to attend.
An election for the 2015 Board of Directors will be held at the AGM. All positions are for one (1) year. Any member who wishes to put their name forward for a position on the Board of Directors, please contact the Nomination Committee at membership@rossbayvilla.org
Please note that in order to cast a ballot at the AGM or to be eligible to stand for a position on the Board of Directors a person must be a member in good standing prior to the June 27 2015 AGM. If you are a lapsed member and wish to renew, please contact membership@rossbayvilla.org